About the Author

Susan Upton Douglass

SUSAN UPTON DOUGLASS practiced law for over 39 years, spending most of her
career at Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, a top New York City law firm specializing in
trademark and copyright law. She was recognized by her peers as one of four leading
trademark lawyers in the U.S., an “Expert’s Expert” and a “Thought Leader.”
A lifelong lover of dogs, Susan and her husband have raised many Australian Shepherd
dogs. All their dogs since 2000 have been certified as Pet Therapy dogs. Susan takes
them to the local hospital twice weekly to cheer up sick people, visitors, and hospital


Susan began studying yoga with master teacher Tao Porchon-Lynch in 1999. With Tao’s
encouragement, Susan became a certified yoga teacher; Susan has now achieved the
2000-hour teaching milestone and earned the E-RYT 500 certification. In 2015, she
commissioned music to which she choreographed a variety of original yoga dances
(available on Vimeo download) called Aspirational Yoga Dances. Susan teaches yoga
daily via Zoom.

Learn more about Aspirational Yoga Dances here:


Susan enjoys giving back to the community. She volunteers weekly at a domestic
violence and elder abuse helpline. She chairs a downtown revitalization committee and
spearheads other projects for her town’s civic organization.

After a successful career as a lawyer, Susan turned her writing skills to fiction. Barb’s
Story is Susan’s debut novel; she is now writing her second novel. A mother of two sons
and a grandmother, Susan lives in New York with her husband and dogs.

Susan Upton Douglass